Running & Nutrition Coaching:
Your Running Diet & Training: Sorted

Expert, Personalised Training & Nutrition For Running

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Get maximum performance from your running training and in your event by combining expert running coaching and running nutrition support.

Your online running coach will get to know you and your running goals and design a bespoke running nutrition and training plan to help you reach them. Every runner is unique, and a personalised running training plan is the perfect way to optimise your running, and improve your performance.

Running nutrition is known to be a key component of successful training and performance. Many runners know that nutrition is key and that they aren’t getting the best out of their current strategies by eating too little, at the wrong time of the day or not enough of the right foods to improve performance, but don’t know how to optimise their running nutrition. Your running nutrition Coach can fit all these jigsaw pieces together for you, allowing you to focus on enjoying your running training and achieving your goals.

Whether you’re looking to crack your marathon fuelling, demystify ultramarathon nutrition, lose or gain weight or simply optimise your running nutrition and training, our combined run coaching and nutritional support service is the perfect platform on which to build for running success; whatever success looks like for you.

Your running and nutrition Coach will design an individualised running training plan and link in the building blocks of effective running nutrition, explaining how these can improve your training and event performance through the 3 T’s (timing, type and total) of food and fluid.

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“Having my running training and my nutrition outsourced to a pro Coach has taken all the stress out of training for my ultra. I feel better prepared than ever before.”

Helen, Running Nutrition & Training Client


  • Initial analysis of current running training

  • Identification of current nutritional strategies and their strengths and weaknesses

  • Evaluation of goals and steps along the way

  • Access to SENPRO app, which links to My Fitness Pal, and contains recipes and nutrition management tools

  • Weekly running and S&C training plan and linked nutritional coaching covering suggested amounts of carbs, protein, fat and fluid intake to support optimal training and event performance

  • Recommendations on running nutrition strategies to cover all diets from omnivore, plant based, vegan to keto

  • Tapering and event day nutritional strategies

  • Weekly email, text or WhatsApp conversations to discuss training progress and update future plans

  • Free access to We Run’s Virtual Running Club app, with tons of resources to boost your training

Our Running Training & Nutrition Coaching ensures your approach is optimised to best support your progress, make training easy, fun and effective, and help you achieve your running goals.

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Qualified, Expert Running & Nutrition Coaches

This service is only offered by Coaches who are dual qualified in Sports Nutrition and Running Coaching, meaning you’re in the best hands possible to optimise your running diet and training.

Whatever element of your running nutrition or training you need help with, our passionate, expert Coaches are on-hand to guide you to achieving your goals. We are the UK’s #1 Running Coaching company; get in touch today to find out why.

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