With Coach Tim, Online Running Coach for We Run and the We Run Virtual Running Club
Recovery runs are well used by elite runners and can be a beneficial tool in the training toolbox of any runner who runs four or more times a week. In this blog I’ll explain the what, why, when, and hows of recovery running.
What Is A Recovery Run?
A recovery run is a short, easy run which helps a runner to recover from a race or hard training session.
Why Is It Beneficial?
A hard run can mean lactic acid build-up in the muscles, which leaves behind waste products leading to fatigue, cramps, and soreness. A recovery run can help flush these waste products out of your legs, reducing the discomfort they cause.
How Long Should It Be?
For newer runners with reasonably low weekly mileage (less than 30 miles), a recovery run can be as little as 2-3 miles. You can increase the length of your recovery run as your weekly mileage increases, up to about six miles at most. The run should be seen as recovery from the previous training session or race, rather than a training run in its own right.
When Should I Do It?
Elite runners will do a recovery run in the evening if they have raced that morning. Depending on your fitness, you may feel too tired to run the day after a half marathon, and a recovery run two days after the race may suit you better. If you wait longer than two days after a hard session or race, the recovery run loses its effect. I like to do a recovery run the day before a race: if I’m racing a 10k on a Sunday, I’ll probably do about 5 miles with some strides on Thursday and then an easy 4-5k on Saturday to get the week’s training out of my legs.
Is There An Alternative To Recovery Running?
Yes, for runners with lower weekly mileage, cross-training is a good substitute for recovery running – a swim, gentle bike ride, or even a walk can help the legs feel better.
In Summary:
- A recovery run can flush waste products out of the legs, meaning aches, pains, and cramps diminish more quickly following a hard run.
Quick tips
- If you run three or fewer times a week, consider cross-training (walking, cycling, or swimming) 24-48 hours after a hard run to aid recovery.
- If you run four or more times a week, run a very easy 2-3 miles a day or two after a hard run.